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Dry Needling For Manual Therapists: Points, Techniques And Treatments, Including Electroacupuncture


Dry Needling and traditional Acupuncture techniques share many similarities. To the untrained eye, it may be sometimes difficult to discern the differences between Dry Needling and some traditional Acupuncture techniques. In part, this is due to the fact that the same tool is used in both procedures: an acupuncture needle. As well, there is a long history and wide variety of acupuncture techniques and approaches that exist. Many acupuncture techniques, such as Japanese acupuncture, are rather different from Dry Needling. On the other hand, "AhShi" acupuncture is quite similar but with some very important distinctions, including the palpation technique, needling technique and local twitch response.

Dry Needling for Manual Therapists: Points, Techniques and Treatments, Including Electroacupuncture


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